Data structures using offsets
Or “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Tools”
»Or “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Tools”
»This is the official manual. Enjoy!
»This is the full manual. Enjoy!
»Atari legend Nicolas Pomarède points out that it doesn’t really make sense to combine the NFSR and FXSR bits the way I do. And he’s right!
My mistake was relying on emulators while writing this, and using the NFSR and FXSR bits this way was the only way I could make it work. So…
Someone to figure out what is going wrong here. Please email me your findings at - thanks in advance!
v 1.04, Oct 23rd, 2018 - There was bug in X clipping when showing fewer than the 16 rightmost pixels. It displayed fine in STEem, which is why I missed it.
»How does one make a demo with someone that has almost the opposite tastes as yourself?
»This is the full official manual. Enjoy!
It all began with Bexagon.
Eventually it just had to be done.
But we didn’t expect it’d be done so soon or be so easy!